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Never Too Late to Resolve the Inner Battle

Sometimes you follow a path, a choice or decision because you know it is right...this comes from your acquired knowledge and experience of the outer world; from what you have been taught is right, but deep within you there is a gut feeling in your core that tells you otherwise.

You can go on for months and even years having convinced yourself that you’ve taken the right path, made the right choice or decision and each day you find other ways to overcompensate for the void you feel inside or the void gets bigger and bigger. How often do we convince ourselves that we are “doing the right thing”? Then we are pretty sure we really are “doing the right thing” by gaining the approval of others. Their smiles, nods and the occasional pat on the back warms us up in that empty space…for a little while. Oh right…that! That same empty space we’ve been avoiding and hoping to confront a little later!! Once again you feel that tugging, pulling, and sometimes nauseous empty gutsy feeling!

Then we seek the counsel of those we know will tell us just what we want to hear and we feel a little lighter, a little better. The overcompensating continues, the smiles, the nods of approval. You’ve convinced everybody but yourself that you really are “doing the right thing”. Days, weeks, months and years can go on like this and the cycle continues.

Ever been in a relationship or marriage that went on and on where you’re both pretending that you’re happy…for the sake of the children or because you feel guilty that your family spent so much of money on your wedding or because you pity yourself or your partner for not yet accepting the reality of the situation? Ever stayed in a relationship where you thought your partner would leave their husband or wife for you…and five years later you’re still hoping they’ll deliver on that promise. Ever chose to stick it out in a job hoping that your boss will deliver on his/her promise for a job promotion…but 7 years later you’re still in the same position and sucking up to your boss?

How long is too long???

We always have the power within us to choose our path. The world may fill you with promises and hope but your inner voice is powerful enough to guide you on making your choices. That inner feeling is where your truth resides, where you know from your gut if someone is lying to you, where you know that enough is enough. When that inner voice is crying to take action, to change your situation, what would you rather do? Would you swallow up the hurt and the truth and paint a smile to lie to yourself and the world? Do you please everybody but yourself until you can’t take it anymore? How much of time will it take before you’re just an unhappy person who regrets your life choices? Are you allowing the world to truly experience the joy of who YOU really are?

What you know is not always what you truly feel.

Sometimes you have to step outside of the person you’ve been to the outer world, and remember the person you were meant to be, the person you are capable of being, and the person who you truly are! Be guided by the inner voice within you that wants you to be truly happy. When you can feel that your soul beckons you to live your life with joy, you won’t settle for less. Your heart centre is a sacred space within you that carries your inner voice.

Quiet your mind and listen to your inner voice. It is the voice of your soul.

Discover the true gem within you. Discover the Jewel in the Lotus!

Om Mani Padme Hum (The Jewel is in the Lotus)

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